Episode 39 - Fexit Britain

Oh god, the solar panels are melting, or at least you might believe so if you're into the right wing press. Dale explains why we needed the coal power station this week. There's loads more to discuss - electric buses, New York going orange, and what about the Chinese?Some think Dale should pay for polcing the Just Stop Oil protests - but what does the man say? There's vegan food and vegan leather chat too. We've got lots of your questions too - keep them coming to: zerocarb...

Om Podcasten

Zerocarbonista is the podcast from green entrepreneur and climate change campaigner, Dale Vince. From building his first windmill in 1996 to taking Forest Green Rovers Football Club vegan in 2015 and becoming a United Nations Ambassador in 2019, Dale Vince has made saving planet his life’s mission.