Episode 41 - It's a bit like Xmas

This week, we're in a whirlwind of events. Dale's shares his excitement about the upcoming election, comparing it to a kid waiting for Christmas. He shares his experiences marching for nature with Chris Packham and Emma Thompson. We tackle the 'cow in the room' - the massive role animal agriculture plays in the nature and climate crisis. Plus, we dive into how Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites could mess with the Earth's ozone layer when they deorbit. All this with some cracking questions from ...

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Zerocarbonista is the podcast from green entrepreneur and climate change campaigner, Dale Vince. From building his first windmill in 1996 to taking Forest Green Rovers Football Club vegan in 2015 and becoming a United Nations Ambassador in 2019, Dale Vince has made saving planet his life’s mission.