Episode 43 - A New Era... :)

Crawling out of our post-Glasto, post-election black hole – we’re back, and the Tories have been stopped by a massive Labour win. We talk about lifting the onshore wind farm ban, banning bee-killing pesticides, and halting new oil and gas licenses, plus Moggy is out... The Tory party leader merry-go-round continues unabashed, and we need a new season title – coz the Tories have been stopped (worth saying twice). Also, we got Grid Faeries powering the Arcadia field at Glasto, and their next gi...

Om Podcasten

Zerocarbonista is the podcast from green entrepreneur and climate change campaigner, Dale Vince. From building his first windmill in 1996 to taking Forest Green Rovers Football Club vegan in 2015 and becoming a United Nations Ambassador in 2019, Dale Vince has made saving planet his life’s mission.