#26. Annosh - The Love for Hiphop Culture, Internal Journey & Crew Life

"I have to have my own relationship with my dance, the goal is to express myself" Anna Malmer aka Annosh is a Swedish dancer, originally from a small city outside Gothenburg. She grew up listening to Hip-hop from a very young age but did not find dancing until much later. Annosh has not only gone on an internal journey through dance but also achieved many goals within the knowledge element by working with the community. She has not only worked with some of Gothenburg's most important organiz...

Om Podcasten

Dancers' own podcast! You have found the right place - the podcast where we get exclusive conversations with dance artists from all over the world in different styles: Kizomba, Hip-Hop, Dancehall, Bachata, Azonto, House, Bonebreaking, Litefeet, Salsa, Brazilian Zouk, Locking, Popping - just to mention a few! Listen to their incredible journey from the humans behind the artist, learn from their experiences and challenges, and much more. Your host, T-zer & new co-host Sebastian Carlos Kruse deep dive into dance & stories - this is the broadest dance podcast on the planet for dancers!