Ep. 18 (1939 p3) of Danceable Tangos of the Year

Episode 18 is Part 3/4 covering the year 1939. We start with "Fantasma" from the Orquesta of Roberto Firpo, and continue with tangos of Juan D'Arienzo, milongas of Edgardo Donato and Francisco Lomuto, tangos of Rodolfo Biagi, valses of Juan D'Arienzo, and further pieces from Enrique Rodrigues, Francisco Lomuto, Edgardo Donato, and Francisco Canaro. For more information on "Danceable Tangos of the Year" visit: www.ArgentineTangoRadio.com/dtoty .

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"Danceable Tangos of the Year" is a special programming of Argentine Tango Radio, Budapest: www.argentinetangoradio.com . This 52 episode, weekly series aims to showcase examples of danceable Argentine tangos, valses and milongas, progressing from 1927 up until last year.