Episode 17, part 1: Tanja Mangalanayagam – Community, participation and engagement

Tanja Mangalanayagam is a quiet force behind the scenes: committed, hardworking and a real advocate for change. As project manager at Skånes Dansteater she designs and leads projects that want to use our art form to bring communities together and give ownership of dance to people who traditionally have been excluded from it. Tanja and dancer Kit Brown join host Samuel Denton to talk about general ideas about community, participation, engagement and access. You also get to hear an audio described extract of the piece “To find a way with one another”, choreographed by Ben Wright (2018).The episode is divided in two parts. In part 2 you get to hear more about dance and disability specifically.-----Host: Samuel Denton, dancer, Skånes Dansteater.Guests: Tanja Mangalanayagam, project manager, Skånes Dansteater & Kit Brown, dancer, Skånes Dansteater. Music: Valses nobles et sentimentales, Maurice Ravel - recording by Malmo Opera Orchestra.Editors: Kit Brown, Samuel Denton, dancers, Skånes Dansteater.Jingle: Anders Ortman.-----

Om Podcasten

A podcast brought to you by Sweden’s largest independent dance institution. Your chance to hear from dance artists, engage with movement, and delve deeper into our creative process.