# 228 Kwan Se Um Bo Sal´s help
In this episode, you will hear a Daily Reminder from Supreme Matriarch Ji Kwang Dae Poep Sa Nim about Kwan Se Um Bo Sal's help. Kwan Se Um Bo Sal is also called “Bodhisattva Perceiver Of The World`s Sounds", or “Bodhisattva of Ten Thousand Hands and Ten Thousand Eyes”, Avalokiteshvara, Kannon, Kwan Am, Quan Yin, Chenrezig.This episode is about what Kwan Se Um Bo Sal does for you and all of us when we call Her.Thank you very much Ji Kwang Dae Poep Sa Nim,all my love,hapchang,Gak Duk🙏🏼🪷🩷