#121 The importance of lineage, part 2

In this episode today, you will hear the second part about the importance of lineage, this time about the lineage of buddhism, back to Sok Ga Mo Ni Buddha, on whom Buddhism is based.You will hear 2 Daily Reminders from Ji Kwang Dae Poep Sa Nim about this.This episode is also about Mahakasyapa and Ananda, the two great Disciples of Buddha and the 28th Patriarch Bodhidharma.Thank You very much Ji Kwang Dae poep Sa Nim.Enjoy and have insights while listening to this episode.Gak Duk🪷

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Compassionate Buddha für Love & World Peace gibt uns Weisheit und Glück im täglichen Leben. Die kostbaren Lehren von Dharma Meisterin Supreme Matriarch Ji Kwang Dae Poep Sa Nim und Buddha sind die Grundlagen dieses Podcasts. Inspiration für das 21.Jahrhundert, altes Wissen dem Zeitgeist angepasst. Compassionate Buddha for Love & World Peace gives us wisdom and happiness in daily life.  The precious teachings of Dharma Master Ji Kwang Dae Poep Sa Nim and Buddha are the foundations of this podcast, inspiration for the 21st century, ancient knowledge, adapted to the spirit of the times. www.buddhismus-in-hamburg.dewww.yunhwasangha.orgwww.yunhwasangha.eu facebook: hamburg yun hwa dharma sah,mallorca yun hwa dharma sah, Instagram:Hamburgyunhwadharmasah,Mallorcayunhwadharmasah,kahiloaworld