17 Best Practices For Saving Money {The Money Saving Mom}

Crystal Paine is the founder of MoneySavingMom.com, New York Times bestselling author of Say Goodbye to Survival Mode and author of the book, Money-Making Mom.   MoneySavingMom.com was started in 2007 and has grown to one of the top personal finance blogs on the web averaging over 1.5 million unique visitors per month.     In 2017, Crystal started another blog, YourBloggingMentor.com to teach beginning to intermediate bloggers how to make a part-time to full-time income blogging.   Crystal has been featured on Good Morning America and FOX Business, she's been spotlighted in articles in Woman's Day and All You magazine; and has earned nods via The Today Show, National Public Radio, CNN, USA Weekend, Shop Smart magazine, Real Simple magazine, and numerous other national outlets.   Her desire is to help women across the globe live with more passion, purpose and intention in their everyday lives. She lives in the Nashville, TN area with her husband and three kids. Links from our Dance Party are found at www.annieleigh.com  ***this includes access to one of the best coupon data bases!

Om Podcasten

Get ready to find your groove and bust a move because you are about to dance it out with Annie Leigh! Annie Leigh Edwards is a pastor’s wife, mom of three, writer, motivational coach, and a firm believer that life is better when you’re dancing the kitchen. Like our kitchens, life is messy - but it doesn’t have to keep us from enjoying the daily grind. Dancing in the Kitchen podcast will be like a dance party with good friends. All the pressure is off. Wherever life finds you - whether it’s wiping booties or writing books, folding laundry or commuting, when you are feeling it (and especially when you are not) this podcast is for you. Dancing in the Kitchen offers interviews with some of your favorite authors, speakers, and artists. It includes conversations/ramblings with Annie Leigh and her friends as they “break it down” and share personal stories of failing forward and practical tips to do life. Be prepared to hear topics related to Gospel-centered living, parenting, depression, sex, marriage, cultivating friendships, healthy living, meal planning, and of course, pop culture. Each episode will equip you to focus on what matters most and live with intentionality, resolve, and confidence. Discover that true joy and the power to change comes from living inside-out. We will learn to be content in our current season of life, all while dreaming big for the glory of God. Together, we will be inspired to treat life more like a dance floor and less like a boxing ring (which means less bruises, and more fun).