You better clean and prep that data or else !!! - episode #64 w/Ahmed Elsamadisi

This episode was amazing.  I spoke with Ahmed Elsamadisi, founder and CEO of, about data prep and cleaning prior to sending your model to production, and the importance of data preparation. We tend to forget about the process it takes to get accurate results and decision-making from your data. Ahmed breaks it all down for us and discusses how plays a huge role in the data science industry. 

Om Podcasten

This podcast provides knowledge sharing for data-driven listeners interested in understanding how data impacts the world in many ways . There are so many aspects to data (i.e. programming, statistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data visualizations, and more), but there is also the everyday data side (i.e. social media, money, sex, love, diseases, sports and more). I am touching on each and every one of them in a Dapper kind of way.