DD191~ Meet the $96K SCHD Investor
In this special episode, we're talking with Craig, who currently has $96,000 invested into SCHD. We'll find out when and why he began investing in SCHD, his future strategy for the ETF, and a few stocks he likes right now. 37:29 Paul Reubens 1952 - 2023 Follow Craig on TWITTER. **SPECIAL SEEKINGALPHA.COM offer - Try Seeking Alpha’s Premium for $239/year with a 14-day free trial. Use this affiliate link and I’ll get a few bucks kicked back my way at no additional cost to you. CLICK HERE Get my FREE 48-page eBook "Brief Thoughts on Life, Love & Investing" and FREE weekly newsletter HERE! Check out my portfolios HERE thedividendtracker.com (affiliate link) The Essays of Warren Buffett BOOK LINK. Get cash back on your gas, with the UPSIDE APP. CLICK HERE! Contact - russ@dapperdividends.com Alphaspread.com affiliate link = where I show intrinsic values on the channel. Follow Russ on Twitter - @Rustyram78 Remember this is not financial advice and it's ultimately your money and your responsibility!