Don't Take Non-Prescription Ozempic or other Weight Loss Drugs

We explore the emerging trend of patients bypassing traditional healthcare to obtain weight loss medications like Ozempic through unofficial channels and telehealth platforms. This underground movement raises serious ethical and legal concerns, as individuals manipulate systems to access these drugs without proper prescriptions, risking their health and undermining physicians' reputations.Recent reports from The Atlantic and ABC News highlight the rise of "OZIC hackers" and Eli Lilly's decisi...

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Welcome to DarshanTalks! We demystify fraud for legal, regulatory, and compliance essentials in the life sciences and pharmacy industries. Through engaging 15-30-minute interviews with influential change makers, short educational regulatory defbriefs, and 60 second audio takeaways, we unveil the strategies behind bringing drugs and devices to market—and keeping them there! Powered By The Kulkarni Law Firm -  Helping regulators see your business the way you do. We focus on life science issues involving medical affairs, marketing and advertising, and clinical research so that you can learn about the industry, enhance your business and grow your career.