Chinese Podcast EP81: Things You Don't Know about Chinese Funeral你不知道的中国葬礼的细节

Dive into the Chinese funerals in this podcast episode! Uncover the intricacies of Chinese funeral customs and rituals, shedding light on a lesser-explored aspect of Chinese culture. 🌟 If you're passionate about learning Chinese and unraveling the mysteries of Chinese traditions, this episode is a must-listen. Join us as we navigate through the nuances of this solemn yet culturally rich topic, offering you a unique perspective that goes beyond language learning. 🎙️ Tune in and broaden your understanding of China, one podcast episode at a time! #LearnChinese #ChineseCulture #FuneralCustoms #chinese 在这期播客中,我们深入探讨中国葬礼的世界,揭示你之前未曾了解的细节!解开中国葬礼习俗和仪式的复杂面纱,为你呈现中国文化中一角少为人知的部分。🌟 如果你热衷于学习中文,同时对揭示中国传统的神秘之处感兴趣,那么这一集绝对不能错过。加入我们,一同探索这个庄重而充满文化底蕴的话题,为你提供超越语言学习的独特视角。🎙️ 聆听并拓宽你对中国的理解,一期又一期的播客之旅中不断丰富你的知识!

Om Podcasten

Hello, everyone, it's Dashu Mandarin here. We're three Chinese teachers that focus on providing authentic and valuable Chinese learning materials for the Chinese learners of intermediate level and above. In this Podcast, we will talk about all kinds of things concerning China and Chinese culture, society, etc. You can also watch the video version on YouTube: Welcome to join us.