Chinese Podcast EP92: Chinese Influencer Teachers Behind the Scene | 你不知道的中文老师的趣事

We have two outstanding Chinese influencer teachers, Peipei and Roots, in today's Chinese podcast. Peipei, a hardworking Chinese teacher, has risen from being a chinese teacher to becoming a team leader. On the other hand, Roots is not only an excellent Chinese teacher but also a funny content creator for Chinese learning. Together, Peipei and Roots have collaborated on many entertaining mandarin projects on Instagram. Today, we will delve into the behind-the-scenes stories of Chinese influencer teachers and discuss the importance of learning real Chinese and authentic Chinese. We will also explore Peipei's Real Talk Mandarin products and services. 本期中文播客,我们有幸邀请到两位中文教学行业的佼佼者,一位是勤奋努力的中文老师Peipei,她已经从一名普通的中文老师晋升为团队的领导;另一位则是优秀的中文教师Roots,同时也是一个搞笑的中文学习内容创作者。Peipei和Roots在Instagram上共同创作了许多有趣的内容。今天,我们将深入探讨中国影响力教师的幕后故事,以及学习真实中文和地道中文的重要性,并了解Peipei的Real Talk Mandarin产品和服务。

Om Podcasten

Hello, everyone, it's Dashu Mandarin here. We're three Chinese teachers that focus on providing authentic and valuable Chinese learning materials for the Chinese learners of intermediate level and above. In this Podcast, we will talk about all kinds of things concerning China and Chinese culture, society, etc. You can also watch the video version on YouTube: Welcome to join us.