Replicating GPT-2, the most dangerous NLP model (with Aaron Gokaslan) (Ep. 78)

Join the discussion on our Discord server In this episode, I am with Aaron Gokaslan, computer vision researcher, AI Resident at Facebook AI Research. Aaron is the author of OpenGPT-2, a parallel NLP model to the most discussed version that OpenAI decided not to release because too accurate to be published. We discuss about image-to-image translation, the dangers of the GPT-2 model and the future of AI. Moreover, Aaron provides some very interesting links and demos that will blow your mind! Enjoy the show!  References Multimodal image to image translation (not all mentioned in the podcast but recommended by Aaron) Pix2Pix:   CycleGAN:   GANimorph Paper: Code:   UNIT: MUNIT: DRIT:   GPT-2 and related  Try OpenAI's GPT-2: Blogpost: The Original Transformer Paper: Grover: The FakeNews generator and detector:    

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