The Older Brain On Love

Remember the PSA that aired on TV for years, with the egg and the frying pan: This is your brain, this is drugs, this is your brain on drugs? It seems like love can be a lot like that, too, even when we’re older. But why? For answers, we turn to perhaps the premier expert on the brain and love: Helen Fisher. | Share your stories and questions at Our Sponsors: * Check out Armoire and use my code DATINGWHILEGRAY for a great deal: * Check out BetterHelp : * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code DATINGWHILEGRAY for a great deal: * Check out Quince: Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Om Podcasten

When writer Laura Stassi’s marriage ended after nearly 30 years, she asked friends and relationship experts for advice on navigating the dating scene. On Dating While Gray, Laura shares what she’s learned: love doesn’t get easier as you get older.