Matt Zarracina tells me what "rules based" ticketing is...

My guest today is Matt Zarracina from True Tickets.  We talk about the Spurs, obviously. We also hit on True Tickets' announcement of their new offering around "Rules Based Ticketing".  Matt shares with us his ideas about NFTs and Blockchain in ticketing and offers up a slightly different take than we typically hear when discussing this topic.  We discuss brand impact, the secondary market, relationship building, the volume of tickets moved through the True Tickets platform, and a lot more.  Check out True Tickets at Get my weekly ticket newsletter at and visit my website at If you dig the podcast, let me know who you'd like to hear from by sending me an email at     

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When you work in entertainment, you are in the business of fun. This podcast will focus on the challenges and opportunities associated with helping your customers create memories and special moments. We will talk about sports, theatre, performing arts, and other forms of entertainment, highlighting the best ideas in marketing live experiences, creating long-term customers, and growing revenues.