Simon Severino talks about doubling sales in 90 days!

My guest today is Simon Severino, CEO of We had a great conversation about pricing, strategy, sales acceleration and more.  Let me know what you think about the newsletter and podcast, it helps me give you even better content.  Check out Booking Protect. The consumer purchase data is clear, folks want the peace of mind that refund protection offers them. Depending on the month, between 30-70% of customers have taken up refund protection since tickets have gone on sale after lockdowns. That's up from around 10-15% before the pandemic. That's a dramatic shift in behavior.  In this episode, we talk about NPS score. A few months back, I chatted with Patrick Ryan from Eventellect about NPS and customer research. We came together to create an NPS worksheet that you can get by emailing me at Hook up with my friends at Activity Stream. The Activate email marketing platform is a great tool to help you re-engage with your customers now. So hook up with Martin and the team to find out how you can use email to reconnect with your audience and get back to creating magical moments for your audience.  Simon Severino and I talk about a bunch of cool stuff today like: * the power of processes * Measuring the correct things * How you can grow your business in just 90 days with the right focus * Pricing power And, more.  You can check out Simon's business at    

Om Podcasten

When you work in entertainment, you are in the business of fun. This podcast will focus on the challenges and opportunities associated with helping your customers create memories and special moments. We will talk about sports, theatre, performing arts, and other forms of entertainment, highlighting the best ideas in marketing live experiences, creating long-term customers, and growing revenues.