The Business of Fun: Phil Hanson

Today's episode is brought to you by Booking Protect.  Visit and find blogs on rebuilding trust, recovery, and generating revenue as we come out of the pandemic.  Join me on 14-15 July for the NATB's virtual conference. I'm part of a panel on the 15th at 2:10 EDT hosted by Dr. Corey Gibbs with Patrick Ryan and Ken Solky on relationship building and the importance of relationships coming out of the pandemic.  Tickets are FREE!  Get 'Talking Tickets' my weekly newsletter with top stories from the world of tickets, a quick analysis, and some action items. Get it free here.  I know that the pandemic has been difficult for everyone to deal with. I'm here for you. If you need to talk or just want to know someone is on your side, send me a note at or on my cell phone at (917) 705-6301. 

Om Podcasten

When you work in entertainment, you are in the business of fun. This podcast will focus on the challenges and opportunities associated with helping your customers create memories and special moments. We will talk about sports, theatre, performing arts, and other forms of entertainment, highlighting the best ideas in marketing live experiences, creating long-term customers, and growing revenues.