“Savage” Man: Imagining Prehistory in 1873 – PDT3K – Modern History

We're back with Public Domain Theater 3000, where we read public domain works because we can, and no one can sue us for it. Continuing our Neolithic theme, today we've got an article from 1873 that attempts to describe our species' prehistory. Yeah, it's more than a little racist, but it also gives an interesting peak into the minds of 19th-century thinkers. Don't forget to review us on iTunes, Stitcher, or social media to get yourself drawn as a comic book character! Become our patron on Patreon at www.patreon.com/deadideaspod. Maps, pics, references, and more at www.deadideas.net. Music and graphic design by Rachel Westhoff.

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We explore ideas and practices once believed to be true but no longer. Each dead idea is explored in all its glorious eccentricity. For example, discover miasma, the theory that plague comes from stinky air; or the medical diagnosis of hysteria, which holds that women's wombs wander around their bodies causing trouble. Join us on a fun romp through the history of ideas that didn’t quite stand the test of time.