Titoism Prologue: A Personal Reflection – Balkan History

This episode is a personal reflection on nationality and my own awkward relationship with my Slovenian heritage. This is an initial baby-step toward a longer series on Titoism, the ideology of Josep Broz Tito, the communist dictator of the former Yugoslavia, who defied Moscow to grow his own brand of communism, which unfortunately did not survive his death. Be sure to support the show at www.patreon.com/deadideaspod to get your portrait drawn!

Om Podcasten

We explore ideas and practices once believed to be true but no longer. Each dead idea is explored in all its glorious eccentricity. For example, discover miasma, the theory that plague comes from stinky air; or the medical diagnosis of hysteria, which holds that women's wombs wander around their bodies causing trouble. Join us on a fun romp through the history of ideas that didn’t quite stand the test of time.