111 - Three Siblings Talk About Their Grief | My Sisters

I spoke with my sisters on the loss of our father on September 11th. We sat down as brother and sisters to talk about their Grief as young women and the family dynamic with our loss. Both my sisters handled the loss of our father in two completely different ways. I got a chance to hear their perspective on how I was as a kid including memories I don't recall. This was a beautiful sibling conversation about grief and loss and how it brought us so much closer as a family. A very important episode to me and this podcast.    DEAD Talks with David Ferrugio engages death a little bit differently. Each new guest shares their experience with grieving or perspective on death in a way that shatters the “don’t talk about death” taboo. Grief doesn't end, it evolves. Having lost his father on September 11th when he was 12 he learned the importance of discussion and sharing other people's stories. Grief, loss, death, mourning, trauma or whatever it may be, DEAD Talks Podcast hopes to make it a little easier to talk about. You may cry; but, you also may laugh. ⁠Follow DEAD Talks Podcast on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok + more⁠ ⁠www.deadtalks.net⁠

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DEAD Talks with David Ferrugio engages with death a little bit differently. Each new guest shares their experience in a way that shatters the ”don’t talk about death” taboo. You could cry, but you will most likely laugh. Having lost his own father on September 11th, David has learned the importance of this discussion and sharing other’s stories.