Maybe Don’t Report Back with Emily Morse
Sex with Emily’s Emily Morse is in the studio today to talk about finding out what you need before you can get in the mood, being present during sex, and why scheduled sex is actually the hottest sex of all. Then: a twenty-something finds herself celibate after a herpes diagnosis. And an expat is upset about her German boyfriend’s parenting style, especially when it comes to permissiveness about sex. And a newly single mom needs help NOT getting back in the saddle. * Smart Sex by Emily Morse * Need some advice from Chelsea? Email us at * Executive Producer Catherine Law Edited & Engineered by Brandon Dickert * * * * * The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the Podcast author, or individuals participating in the Podcast, and do not represent the opinions of iHeartMedia or its employees. This Podcast should not be used as medical advice, mental health advice, mental health counseling or therapy, or as imparting any health care recommendations at all. Individuals are advised to seek independent medical, counseling advice and/or therapy from a competent health care professional with respect to any medical condition, mental health issues, health inquiry or matter, including matters discussed on this Podcast. Guests and listeners should not rely on matters discussed in the Podcast and shall not act or shall refrain from acting based on information contained in the Podcast without first seeking independent medical advice.See for privacy information.