Invisible Predators and Unseen Beings. There were Footprints 'Appearing' in the Snow

This encounter took place near a village called Paull, which is several miles northeast of the city of Hull, it is rural and on the coast, so it is pretty desolate at night. The year was 2002/03. "As we watched in silence “It” slowly emerged from the slight cover and moved into the road just a couple of feet. I couldn’t see any features. ‘It’ was just a solid black humanoid shape that was around 6 ft tall. ‘It’ just stood there as if staring at the car.’ Jon kept saying WTF is that. I reached down for the ignition and turned it so the power was on but not into the start position. I reached for the headlamp full beam, Jon could see what I was going to do ‘ready’ I said ‘go for it’ said Jon".Do you enjoy our uploads, Interviews and articles? Do you love a good mystery? Would you like to become a member of our BBR Cryptid and Paranormal Investigations Community group and help us to investigate cases like these, or join for our free Community and keep in touch with like minded people in the UK and World wide. Please contact Deb via As a member you will receive free exclusive podcasts, uploads, articles and sighting reports.Deborah Hatswell is the founding member of the BBR Investigations group and has taken or researched over 1400 personal witness reports. All of which can be accessed freely on the sightings map link listed below. If you have a case you would like us to investigate or need help researching please get in touch and we will do our best to help you. We can also feature your book,podcast,website,forum,social media, youtube,online magazine for free in our monthly news email.debbiehatswell@gmail.comPlease Donate to Help with online costs - GOFUNDME - - OF UK SIGHTING REPORTS: is a very short and simple HOW TO use the Map video - FACEBOOK: Cryptid Creatures and the Unexplained, discussion of the more alternative theories behind the Cryptid Phenomena, UFO, Paranormal Events. Werewolf Watch: Upright Bipedal Canine, Dogman, Werewolf Reports - PODCASTS:

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BBR Investigations - Sharing personal accounts from the BBR Investigation case files on the British Bigfoot, Man-Ape creatures, Werewolves & Dogmen, Paranormal Entities, Haunted homes, Haunted people and many UFO’ experiencers here in the UK and worldwide.Deborah Hatswell is the UK’s leading British Bigfoot researcher and investigator. A horrible experience with an unexplained creature in 1982 has shaped and forged Deborah's research into a ‘one stop shop’ for all things Cryptid, Paranormal, Supernatural or Unexplained. Shunned by many sources and outlets Deborah made her own reporting site that has been in operation for over 40 years. Deborah has worked with, interviewed and counselled many witnesses to the other worldly events that happen to people on a daily basis. Deborah interviews the witness about their initial experience and then takes them over several weeks back to their childhoods in the hopes of understanding why so many people have interactions with several different phenomena during their lifespan. Many of the people Deborah helps have had ongoing activity since their very early life, often in their own rooms at home.Those cases are investigated by Deborah and her team of researchers who check out the witnesses' family lines to see if the activity is a generational thing. Deborah's theory on ‘Paranormal bloodlines’ will take you down the rabbit hole of haunted homes, woodlands and impossible creatures seen and witnessed on Military Of Defence land in the UK. In the cases she covers you will hear from people who have seen Man-Ape creatures, Werewolves & Dogmen, Paranormal Entities and many UFO’ experiencers several with missing time events, strange object placed within them and some extreme cases the signs of childbirth in females who have never carried a human child. Deborah releases her thoughts on the experiences of others and her interviews with them in her show BBR Investigations (Being Believed Investigations) a supporter of this podcast: