Locals Fear A Sheep Stripped to the Bone Was Killed by a ‘Big Cat’ after Dog Walkers Spot A ‘Panther’
For over a 100 years now reports of Big Cats sometimes referred to as Alien Big Cats have come in to newspapers and Police stations all across the UK. All the while our govt chooses to deny they exist. Big cats such as Panthers and Puma are capable of walking dozens of miles a day, as they each need their own territory and they are capable of killing, climbing and hiding their prey in trees or in long grasses. In the 2000's things changed and not for the better. Cats were being reported by drivers on our roads. They were reported on the odd occasion to have attacked the human who they encountered. But even so the Cats kept their distance from us still. It was a rare set of circumstances that brought people into contact with them. One Policeman reported being struck at by a Labrador sized cat and a young boy was attacked in Wales. One chap from the West More-land area was left with bruises and scratches after walking through woodland at night.https://linktr.ee/bbrinvestigationsBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptids-paranormal-unexplained-events--2840337/support.