Strange Animal Mutilations in Todmorden. UFO's, Police Abductions and a Host of new reports
To see images - Animal Mutilations in Todmorden. UFO's, Police Abductions and a Mystery Substance Not Yet Known to Mankind - Todmorden is a small town, set in the hills of West Yorkshire, just on the border with Lancashire. it is a beautiful place to visit, a place of small villages and farms with many natural water sources, woodlands and rolling hills. It is also known as the UFO capital of the North. Within this small village are a number of strangest reports, a police officer who was abducted whilst on duty and a gentleman found on the top of a coal heap, with no signs of injury, on his clothes was a substance not known to man. And this week I received a set of photographs from the Gaddings Dam Area of Todmorden, they were sent to me by a gentleman named Albert Tyas a local to the area who was out walking when he came across a very strange animal 'kill' The gentleman contacted me by email and sent the images across. Thankfully because of Mr Tyas's quick thinking there are a number of images taken from all angles. The images show a very young calf with no ear or lips laying on the ground as if dropped from above. The genitals are gone, and so is the anus area. The Calf laying was in a field of Sheep, I am unsure if this is usual practice for farmers, or if the Calf was taken then returned and 'left' in the wrong field perhaps. This kill has all the classic signs of animal mutilation. Notice the very precise clean cuts, there are no signs of attack or a chase of any kind. The ground is far to clean for this to be a Dog or Cat kill. It doesn't fit with the classic signs of any normal beast here in the UK. As I said to me it looks as if the Calf had been dropped from above and deposited in the wrong field. But that is just my opinion and only speculation. Over the years of studying canine and cat kills I find the wounds to be very different. A Dog will tear at the soft tissue, there is usually sign of paw and claw marks on the ground and sometimes on the kill, dogs are messy and will pull and drag at the carcass. A Cat will leave signs of teeth marks on the neck and will drag the carcass off and store it somewhere away from other predators, they also usually eat the soft belly or back end first. On this kill I see only laser like cuts, the ears, lips and sexual organs have been removed.There are no signs of vehicle or tractor tracks, infact the scene is pristine. After sharing the images of the calf mutilation at Todmorden, I was contacted by a gentleman who stated: I saw a sheep that looked exactly the same as that calf at Healey dell nature reserve, there was no blood or anything on the ground or any obvious signs of a struggle.The sheep also had like a perfectly cut sphere cut into its side, with no blood around the wound, the cut was tennis ball sized, it looked like when you use one of those melon ballers, very strange, as if the flesh had been scooped?Today I spoke to Colin Lyall of the Todmorden UFO Group and passed on the contact details for Mr Tyas and all of the images. Colin lives close to the area and can investigate to see if the calf is still in the field, if so it would be worth getting sample swabs of the wounds, the ground around the calf, and of course from the calf itself. David Cayton is also investigating the case as he has a vast knowledge of cattle mutilations and UFO events all across the UK.Deborah Crossley Hatswell. 10/7/20 a supporter of this podcast: