The Cannock Chase Murders - Demonic Connection

The strange activity at Cannock chase includes all manner of strange creatures, from Werewolves and Dogmen and sightings of the elusive British bigfoot to ghostly visitations, succubus attacks and plenty of UFO, shadow beings and black eyed children to name but a few. The chase is infamous for those very reasons in the UK and many people report demonic or entity possession when staying over or visiting the chase. I noticed several years ago there were high numbers of missing people, pets and farm animals in higher numbers than other towns in Staffordshire. I also wondered if the chase has other hidden secrets. . Who knows what happens in the dark of the night. But have you ever wondered if there is a connection to all of this strangeness and the gruesome serial killer that used the chase as his hunting ground in the 1960’s? The area gained notoriety in the late 1960s when the Cannock Chase murders made national headlines; when the remains of three young girls were found on the Chase after they went missing from areas along the A34 road that runs into central Birmingham. Raymond Leslie Morris, a motor engineer from Walsall, was found guilty at Stafford Assizes of one of the murders in 1968 and was sentenced to life imprisonment. He died in prison in March 2014, aged 84, after serving 45 years.Cannock Chase PDF = Cannock Chase PDF - Become a supporter of this podcast:

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Deborah Hatswell is an Investigator & Researcher of the strange and unexplained. A witness to a Cryptid Creature herself in 1982 Deborah set out to find other people who had seen and experienced the impossible. Over 40 years later Deborah is a self taught Parapsychologist and is a leading expert in the fields of Cryptozoology, The Unknown and The Paranormal. Investigating cases of Bigfoot, Dogmen, UFO, Alien, Abductions, The Supernatural, Entity/Attachment, Hauntings, Unsolved Mysteries and all manner of Phenomena giving her a unique skill set. Deborah formed BBR Investigations and her new company Strictly Confidential as a way to bring a spotlight to the hundreds of people left out there in society believing they are alone, or that their experience is just too ‘weird or outhere’ to share. Feeling listened to, heard and understood is Deborah's main aim with the hope going forward any possible future events can be handled together. Not just to bring some closer or understanding about their truth.Many people are left traumatised after an event and for some it can be a continuous lifetime of strange experiences or interaction with several different types of activity. Talking through these happenings, exploring why they happened and how to navigate a way forward can be a time consuming project and Deborah & BBR offer a safe place to share your story along with showing you how to deal with this activity at home. Then we can put you in touch with other like minded people who know exactly how you feel and what you're going through.Deborah Hatswell “I have worked in the Cryptid and Supernatural subjects for over 4 decades now, as each case came in I would map it and speak to the witness to try and find out as much as I can about them, what took place and any background experiences before, during or after the event. I have trained people who now investigate as I do worldwide. I have also put 1000’s of people in touch with others and built an online community that is growing by the day.” I share the personal experiences of others in my books, podcasts, vlogs and websites. a supporter of this podcast: