White Goat Man – F£k Off Im a Ghost – My Grt Grandmothers Mystery Death

A late-night sighting of an unexplained "six-foot Man-Goat" has got local residents spooked according to the local paper. The incident happened on the A425 near the village of Staverton at around 2am in the early hours of the morning on Sunday February 2022A foul-mouthed ghost who tells walkers to “f*** off” is still said to be haunting locals who are growing fed up of the rude and nasty spirited apparition. The local legend of an angry ghost who shouts and swears at visitors to Dead Woman's Ditch, a beauty spot in the Somerset's Quantock Hills areaI never expected to find anything on my Mother’s side as I believed as she did that her paternal and maternal ancestors came from Ireland when the Manchester ship canal was built. But now, after tracing her heritage I was amazed to find that is not the case and it led me to a mysterious death never investigated, a coach with a heraldic flag, and a Victorian child born out of wedlock who it is said is descended from a certain Lord through DNA on my Mums, Fathers side.As the map has now outgrown its data usage I have to remove a vast amount of information from it as people are having difficulty accessing it. I will now just add the title of the account and a brief snapshot of what took place, along with a link to the new BBR Map Website. This will free up space and make it easier to access for all. Here is the link to access the GOOGLE MAP OF REPORTS - https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1s1zOmmdM216PMftPUM9K1qqGrFg&usp=sharingThe new MAP WEBSITE will contain far more information on each of the cases, and allow you to comment and interact with me, ask questions or leave your own information. It has around 10 updates a day as I work on transferring all of the files and information across - BBR Map – Cryptid/Paranormal/Unexplained Events If your prefer just the odd article you may find our original BBR WEBSITE where I share more in depth cases and personal encounters - BBR Map – Cryptid/Paranormal/Unexplained EventsBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptids-paranormal-unexplained-events--2840337/support.

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BBR Investigations - Sharing personal accounts from the BBR Investigation case files on the British Bigfoot, Man-Ape creatures, Werewolves & Dogmen, Paranormal Entities, Haunted homes, Haunted people and many UFO’ experiencers here in the UK and worldwide.Deborah Hatswell is the UK’s leading British Bigfoot researcher and investigator. A horrible experience with an unexplained creature in 1982 has shaped and forged Deborah's research into a ‘one stop shop’ for all things Cryptid, Paranormal, Supernatural or Unexplained. Shunned by many sources and outlets Deborah made her own reporting site that has been in operation for over 40 years. Deborah has worked with, interviewed and counselled many witnesses to the other worldly events that happen to people on a daily basis. Deborah interviews the witness about their initial experience and then takes them over several weeks back to their childhoods in the hopes of understanding why so many people have interactions with several different phenomena during their lifespan. Many of the people Deborah helps have had ongoing activity since their very early life, often in their own rooms at home.Those cases are investigated by Deborah and her team of researchers who check out the witnesses' family lines to see if the activity is a generational thing. Deborah's theory on ‘Paranormal bloodlines’ will take you down the rabbit hole of haunted homes, woodlands and impossible creatures seen and witnessed on Military Of Defence land in the UK. In the cases she covers you will hear from people who have seen Man-Ape creatures, Werewolves & Dogmen, Paranormal Entities and many UFO’ experiencers several with missing time events, strange object placed within them and some extreme cases the signs of childbirth in females who have never carried a human child. Deborah releases her thoughts on the experiences of others and her interviews with them in her show BBR Investigations (Being Believed Investigations)https://linktr.ee/bbrinvestigationsBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/deborah-hatswell-bbr-investigations-cryptids-paranormal-unexplained-events--2840337/support.