The Debate on US Strategy in Taiwan-China Relations

As tensions escalate between Taiwan and China, should Washington back Taiwan through increased militarily deterrence or prioritize reassurance and diplomacy with China? Quincy Institute’s Michael Swaine and the Council on Foreign Relations’ David Sacks debate the growing policymaker consensus for US military support to deter a Chinese attack, while considering dissenting views that prioritize political solutions for China-Taiwan unification from the US standpoint.  Tune in next week for part two of this episode where Deep Dish focuses on Taiwan's internal politics around these issues and their views on how to best preserve peace in the China-Taiwan strait. Reading List:  U.S.-Taiwan Relations in a New Era: Responding to a More Assertive China, Council on Foreign Relations, June 2023  How a reckless report could increase the chance of a crisis with China, Michael Swaine, Jake Werner and James Park, Responsible Statecraft, June 29, 2023 

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Deep Dish on Global Affairs goes beyond the headlines on critical global issues. With world news in rapid development, Deep Dish brings together experts in foreign policy, national security, economics, and whatever field is in flux during the week to talk through what's happening, why, and why it matters.