The Oppenheimer Effect: Reigniting Nuclear Awareness

Deep Dish explores the recently released 'Oppenheimer' film and journeys back to the Cold War era when nuclear weapons were etched into popular consciousness. Rachel Bronson and Avery Restrepo of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists explore how nuclear weapons have seemingly faded from public awareness. They draw parallels to today and suggest ways that Gen Z can shape a safer and more responsible future.  Reading List:  Majority in US Want to Learn More about Nuclear Policy, Dina Smeltz, Craig Kafura, and Sharon Weiner, Chicago Council on Global Affairs, July 19, 2023  What Oppenheimer can teach the new generations about nuclear weapons, Magritte Gordaneer, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, July 31, 2023

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Deep Dish on Global Affairs goes beyond the headlines on critical global issues. With world news in rapid development, Deep Dish brings together experts in foreign policy, national security, economics, and whatever field is in flux during the week to talk through what's happening, why, and why it matters.