Will Politics in Taiwan Increase the Risk of Conflict with China?

As stakes rise and tensions mount between the United States and China, the future of Taiwan hangs in the balance. With a pivotal presidential election on the horizon, what are the implications for Taiwanese policy, its alignment with the US, and the risk of war with China? Sam Houston State University’s Dennis Weng and New Bloom Magazine’s Brian Hioe join Deep Dish to offer a glimpse into the uncertain future of the region. Tune into last week's episode for part one of this conversation where Deep Dish focuses on the different positions in the US debate over policy toward Taiwan.

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Deep Dish on Global Affairs goes beyond the headlines on critical global issues. With world news in rapid development, Deep Dish brings together experts in foreign policy, national security, economics, and whatever field is in flux during the week to talk through what's happening, why, and why it matters.