Ep. 105: Should I Read the News?

DEEP WORK QUESTIONS - How do you apply deep work when your job is entirely shallow? [4:37] - Is batching emails a few times a day a good practice? [12:20] - Why are some tips for managing the flow of emails and texts from clients? [19:54] - What am I (Cal) working during my teaching sabbatical this spring? [26:45] - What are the ideal ratios for writing, thinking, and reading in a day? [29:47] - Can I (Cal) elaborate on how I track deep work? [34:17] - How d...

Om Podcasten

Cal Newport is a computer science professor and a New York Times bestselling author who writes about the impact of technology on society, and the struggle to work and live deeply in a world increasingly mired in digital distractions. On this podcast, he answers questions from his readers and offers advice about cultivating focus, productivity, and meaning amidst the noise that pervades our lives.