Connecting with Craig Richards

Craig Richards has a full life but there has always been one underlying theme that brought everything into focus: photography. From his time at the White Museum in Canmore AB starting as a technician and retiring as the Curator of photography; creating the internationally recognized “Through the Lens” program as well as being the originator of the Exposure Photo Festival in Calgary AB – Craig is known as someone who is enthusiastic not only about photography but about collaborating with others.


His passion and enthusiasm was an inspiration for me. I hope that you catch his three big reasons for taking an image – they have already got me thinking different about how I work and even look before taking a photograph.


I hope that you enjoy our conversation.


Craig’s website with his portfolio can be found at….

Om Podcasten

We are talking to photographers and creatives about themselves – what drives them to do what they do and how they were inspired along the way. In looking at our tech based world, we realized that no one was talking about inspiration, desire, drive or creativity and we thought that it was about time.