Ep 073: Debunking Bad UX Portfolio Advice

Join guest Joel Barr as we debunk bad portfolio advice! We burned some of these bad ideas to the ground, hence the fire. Remember that the #1 way to have a portfolio that stands out is to have skill and proficiency. Show you know what you're doing. That's rare right now, sadly. If you really want to stand out, know what you're doing and be able to show it. If you are working on a UX portfolio in research, architecture, or design, this video makes a great follow up to episode 54: Portfolio Do's and Don'ts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk3eGASK_VI   Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/hDMBwlQhGPk

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Welcome to the Delta CX Podcast, produced by Debbie Levitt. Here we do completely live, unedited podcasts on various topics related to CX, UX, customer experience, user experience, usability, industry careers, industry evils, and what we need to change to improve customer satisfaction, our jobs, our teams, our projects, our processes, departments, and companies. Let's create change! Learn more about our company and initiatives at DeltaCX.com. Follow Debbie on LinkedIn [https://linkedin.com/in/debbielevitt]. We take live questions, so please subscribe on YouTube if you want to join in the live broadcasts. https://youtube.com/c/DeltaCX Warning: Some episodes have swear words.