174 How To Deal With Criticism So That You Don’t Take It So Personally #BITESIZE

Criticism is everywhere today, where people often share their opinions of other people very easily despite not knowing the person, online using social media.  The criticism often goes too far, especially in a sporting context, when so much emotion is evident.  Throw in general criticism on the side of a pitch from spectators, and negative feedback from coaches and team-mates.  It really can be tough being involved in sport with no hiding place. You’ll find some athletes and coaches brush off criticism, others though can find it very difficult to deal with.  It can impact their well-being and relationships with other people.  Sometimes they’ll respond angrily or in an aggressive manner, in other cases they’ll be overcome with sadness and get very upset.  The key is to take the learning, from criticism, which isn’t easy and is the focus of this bitesize episode, with Professor Paul McGee, one of Europe’s leading speakers and a respected author.  He shares some great stories and ideas to help you. Feel free to tune in! Key Learning Points: A bad game doesn’t mean that you are a bad person. Recognise if you become defensive in the face of criticism. Acknowledge if your inner dialogue is overly critical and learn to be kinder to yourself. Perspective is vital. Useful Questions To Ask Yourself: Would you seek advice from the person who has criticised you? Does the person criticising you have your best interests at heart? Will I remember this incident in 6 months’ time? On a scale of 1-10 how close to death is this situation? Connect with Paul McGee LinkedIn The Sumo Guy Website  Books written by Paul McGee S.U.M.O. Your Relationships: How to Handle Not Strangle the People You Live and Work With S.U.M.O (Shut Up, Move On): The Straight-Talking Guide to Succeeding in Life Connect with David Charlton Sign Up to The Mental Edge Join David @ The Sports Psychology Hub Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Relevant Podcast Episodes Ep041: Paul McGee - How to Develop Interpersonal Confidence Ep105: Hannah Bromley – Overcoming Psychological Challenges in Professional Women’s Football Ep120: David Charlton - Sport Coach Development: Helping Athletes Perform Better by Adapting How You Communicate Ep131 David Charlton – How to Deal with Self-Criticism using Self Compassion – FINAL PART Ep166: Mark Bennett MBE - How To Help Athletes and Coaches Reflect On Their Performances Relevant Blogs Blog: 3 Tips to deal with bullying in sport Blog: Communicating with children in sport Blog: Why You Should Recognise The Power of Your Words Blog: How Coaches Can Help Athletes Deal with Mistakes Blog: 5 Ways To Create A Psychological Safe Sporting Environment Other Useful Resources Conversations with Kids - Dealing with Criticism Kristin Neff Website on Self-Compassion

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Demystifying Mental Toughness is for people who want to reach their goals faster and are curious what high performing athletes and professionals do to fulfil their potential. David Charlton shares insights, strategies and stories from leading athletes, coaches, psychologists and specialists to help you perform to your optimum level on a more consistent basis. If you’re a motivated athlete, coach, sport psychologist, mental game coach or executive listen in for proven and practical advice in this podcast.