1659 Dr. Gordon Christensen on All Things Dentistry : Dentistry Uncensored with Howard Farran

Gordon J. Christensen is Founder and CEO of Practical Clinical Courses (PCC) and Co-Founder and CEO for Clinicians Report Foundation (CR) and a practicing prosthodontst in Provo, Utah. PCC is an international continuing education organization that provides courses and videos for all dental professionals. CR offers unbiased research on thousands of dental products. Dr. Christensen has presented over 45,000 hours of continuing education throughout the world and has published many articles and books. Join the community on Dentaltown at https://www.dentaltown.com

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POWERED BY DENTALTOWN.COM Uncomplicate your dental life with Dr. Howard Farran as he interviews your fellow townies and leaders in dentistry! Dentists and dental professionals share their wisdom to make your dentistry faster, easier, higher in quality and lower in cost. Episodes released every week day with the full transcripts at dentaltown.com/podcasts.