Depeche Mode: The Podcast - Personal Therapist (EP3)

Depeche Mode taught me how to feel. That will be the overall theme of the Depeche Mode Podcast EP3. Your host Jon Justice shares his own stories of the times that Depeche Mode was there for him when no one else could be. Plus more thoughts on Where's the Revolution and comments from those who have heard Spirit. At the end of the podcast Jon answers emails from you. All that, the world we live in and life in general, on this weeks show. email

Om Podcasten

As a die hard Depeche Mode fan for almost 36 years, Depeche Mode: the podcast is a must listen for any fan. Get breaking news about the band and their solo projects. Plus podcasts devoted to the extensive history of the band and their cultural impact. A DM podcast for the fans by a fan!