Depeche Mode: The Podcast - Spreading the Music for the Masses

Talking about the world we live in and life in general, host Jon Justice brings you news commentary and more all about Depeche Mode. This week:-The Album that defined the solidified the band in the US Music for the Masses-Chosen Song commentary -Dave Bascomb Producer on MFTM talks about recording the album -Listener feedbackBUY TODAY! Embark: The all new Sci-Fi Space Opera, written by Depeche Mode and Star Wars mega fan Jon Justice is available now in ebook, kindle unlimited and paperback here. A must read for any Star Wars Science Fiction/Depeche Mode fan! Get it now at the link below. Email: TalkShowNerd@gmail.comTwitter @TheMyNerdWorld @JonJusticeInstagram TheJonJusticeFacebook Jon Justice

Om Podcasten

As a die hard Depeche Mode fan for almost 36 years, Depeche Mode: the podcast is a must listen for any fan. Get breaking news about the band and their solo projects. Plus podcasts devoted to the extensive history of the band and their cultural impact. A DM podcast for the fans by a fan!