Depeche Mode: The Podcast - The Ben Hillier Trilogy (26)

The world we live and life in general, Jon Justice hosts the weekly Depeche Mode show. This week...-The Trilogy of Ben Hillier producer on Playing the Angel, Sounds of the Universe and Delta Machine. Plus listener feedback and more. Embark: The all new Space Opera, written by Star Wars mega fan Jon Justice is available now in ebook, kindle unlimited and paperback. A must read for any Star Wars Science Fiction/Depeche Mode fan! Get it now at the link below. Email: TalkShowNerd@gmail.comTwitter @TheMyNerdWorld @JonJusticeInstagram TheJonJusticeFacebook Jon Justice

Om Podcasten

As a die hard Depeche Mode fan for almost 36 years, Depeche Mode: the podcast is a must listen for any fan. Get breaking news about the band and their solo projects. Plus podcasts devoted to the extensive history of the band and their cultural impact. A DM podcast for the fans by a fan!