243. Driving Across Town To Get Fired - The Angelina Catchup Pt. 1

In this session of Derapy, she works at the best acai shop in town. Angelina https://www.instagram.com/your.authenticity.witch?igsh=cGhpY2YxM3BwcGth Twitter https://x.com/derykpods?s=21 YouTube https://youtu.be/xKEFHrtKdRM?si=VmjCuVLL3UbyM7Aa Instagram https://www.instagram.com/derykbuxton?igsh=OWp4bjIwYWc4endo&utm_source=qr TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@derapy?_t=8nqsZPTj6Ow&_r=1 Outro https://youtu.be/KcOF8V4lcHI?si=Mf6wHWZUmp5dw9LQ #taxes #work #fired #storytime #podcast

Om Podcasten

Numbered sessions are me interviewing awesome people and talking about whatever I want. Episodes without numbers have specific focus and are a LITTLE more journalismy? But ultimately I’m just out here trying to have fun. Love you, mean it. New episodes every week.