Beauty, a Witch Hunt: Self-loathing and hatred disguised

The Greeks considered beautiful women evil. In ancient China, the practice of feet-binding was pure torture, but also deemed a rite of passage for those who desired to be perceived the eyes of others. In modern society, mean girls bully those deemed better looking than them. This smorgasbord reflects the reality of what beauty really means to the human race—a simmering cauldron of prejudice, pain and jealousy. Does it? We much prefer for it to be buried with cobwebs, really. Not pretty. This episode tries to make sense of historical prejudices that color our perception of beauty. ⁠⁠ NEW RELEASE Little Skincare Book for Women ⁠⁠ Vision Board Book Kit ⁠⁠

Om Podcasten

A beauty podcast by dermatologist Dr Teo Wan Lin on the science of beauty in the art of expression. The author of "On Thoughts, Emotions, Facial Expressions & Aging” in the International Journal of Dermatology¹, Dr TWL expounds on neuroaesthetics, the science of how the brain perceives beauty and the particular influence of art on the brain. Master Your Beauty Game A brand new perspective on how-to beauty. Discover how to be beautiful by embracing your most authentic self. Get Beautiful Inside Out For 2023.