Huehuecoyotl & the Canine Gods

Looking for God in the world? Watch the coyote. Huehuecoyotl, that’s its Holy name. Old, old coyote. Lord of the arts, god of music and dance, our guide through adolescence and onward to adulthood. King of the Prank, patron of the promiscuous, lord of the Friday night party. Canis latrans is the new name, from the 1800s. Coyotl is the ancient American name. Tickets on sale now for the Desert Oracle Radio 2021 Tour: San Diego, Tucson, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, Galveston, New Orleans, Memphis, Norman Okla., Santa Fe, Phoenix/Mesa, and Los Angeles.Support the show: for privacy information.Support the show: for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

Desert Oracle Radio is a weekly road trip through the weird American desert from the publisher of Desert Oracle, the pocket-sized field guide published in Joshua Tree, California. Hear tales of mysterious lights, missing tourists, lost mines, venomous creatures, weird history and weirder people. Hosted by editor Ken Layne and featuring a cast of intriguing mystics, oddballs, scientists and artists, Desert Oracle Radio is your soundtrack for a desert night. The program is broadcast on Friday nights at 10 p.m. on KCDZ 107.7 FM in the Mojave high desert, with field reports from around and across the desert lands, and is distributed by Public Radio Exchange (PRX).