The Witch Beat

Tonight we are talking about witches. And interesting religions, new & old. And especially California's incredible occult countercultures—the esoteric stuff that Los Angeles Times reporter Deborah Netburn covers for her official newspaper beat: "Faith, Spirituality and Joy." Some of the interesting tales we will discuss tonight: The working witches of Los Angeles just want you to be your best self Psychics and astrologers are huge on Instagram. Now scammers are impersonating them This feminist witch introduced California to Goddess worship New soundscapes by RedBlueBlackSilver. Thanks for supporting this advertising-free podcast via our Patreon page!Support the show: for privacy information.

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Desert Oracle Radio is a weekly road trip through the weird American desert from the publisher of Desert Oracle, the pocket-sized field guide published in Joshua Tree, California. Hear tales of mysterious lights, missing tourists, lost mines, venomous creatures, weird history and weirder people. Hosted by editor Ken Layne and featuring a cast of intriguing mystics, oddballs, scientists and artists, Desert Oracle Radio is your soundtrack for a desert night. The program is broadcast on Friday nights at 10 p.m. on KCDZ 107.7 FM in the Mojave high desert, with field reports from around and across the desert lands, and is distributed by Public Radio Exchange (PRX).