Matt Butcher - Fermyon

In the episode, we're joined by Matt Butcher, we discuss the potential of Web Assembly and how it can revolutionize serverless computing. He highlights the advantages of using Web Assembly for serverless applications, such as faster startup times, improved performance, and support for a wide variety of languages. Matt left his role at Microsoft on the Deis Labs Kubernates team to co-found Fermyon, a platform that uses Web Assembly to run serverless functions. our patreon for the full episode to hear use talk about our tooltips? Join our patreon!

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A podcast about developer tools and the people who make them. Join us as we embark on a journey to explore modern developer tooling and interview the people who make it possible. We love talking to the creators front-end frameworks (React, Solid, Svelte, Vue, Angular, etc), JavaScript and TypeScript runtimes (Node, Deno, Bun), Languages (Unison, Elixor, Rust, Zig), web tech (WASM, Web Containers, WebGPU, WebGL), database providers (Turso, Planetscale, Supabase, EdgeDB), and platforms (SST, AWS, Vercel, Netlify,