Nicholas C. Zakas - ESLint

This week we're delighted to have Nicholas Zakas on the show to talk about ESLint. ESLint is a tool that helps you find and fix problems in your JavaScript code by writing plugins that check for patterns in your code's AST. We talk about the history of ESLint, the challenges of building a linter, and the future of of ESLint. Episode sponsored By MUX ( Become a paid subscriber our patreon, spotify, or apple podcasts for the full episode.

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A podcast about developer tools and the people who make them. Join us as we embark on a journey to explore modern developer tooling and interview the people who make it possible. We love talking to the creators front-end frameworks (React, Solid, Svelte, Vue, Angular, etc), JavaScript and TypeScript runtimes (Node, Deno, Bun), Languages (Unison, Elixor, Rust, Zig), web tech (WASM, Web Containers, WebGPU, WebGL), database providers (Turso, Planetscale, Supabase, EdgeDB), and platforms (SST, AWS, Vercel, Netlify,