Tobias Koppers - TurboPack, Webpack

This week we're joined by Tobias Koppers, the creator of Webpack, and now TurboPack. We talk about the origin of Webpack, maintaining Webpack, and what's next for JavaScript bundling. TurboPack is a new bundler from Vercel, and it's built on a completely new architecture with a familiar API. Join as as we dive deep into the future of bundling. our patreon for the full episode.TooltipsWant to hear use talk about our tooltips? Join our patreon!Andrewhttps://maath.pmnd.rs

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A podcast about developer tools and the people who make them. Join us as we embark on a journey to explore modern developer tooling and interview the people who make it possible. We love talking to the creators front-end frameworks (React, Solid, Svelte, Vue, Angular, etc), JavaScript and TypeScript runtimes (Node, Deno, Bun), Languages (Unison, Elixor, Rust, Zig), web tech (WASM, Web Containers, WebGPU, WebGL), database providers (Turso, Planetscale, Supabase, EdgeDB), and platforms (SST, AWS, Vercel, Netlify,