403. Dustin Riechmann, the Master at Guesting On Podcasts 6 Figure +

Dustin Riechmann is a serial entrepreneur and online marketing expert.He specializes in helping mission-driven solopreneurs add 6 figures to their bottom line by telling the right stories on the right podcasts. Everything he teaches is based on real-world experience from his clients and his own successful online businesses. Quote #1 I had been listening to podcasts for many years and enjoyed it. It just never really occurred to me that I could be a guest. I didn't know, like, how does that even work? Yeah. So I just decided to give it a shot. So I found a show that I thought our story would be particularly timely for, because it was about side hustles. And so I crafted this pitch and I crafted it around the idea that I partnered with a local business, brought a product online and was able to sell it online, which was a big topic at the time because all the local businesses were suffering and recorded it, and it went really well. I sold some meat sticks, which is like the whole reason I got on there. Quote #2 So then I found another and another, and it turns out like the first 12 shows that I reached out to all said, yes, and they weren't small shows, you know, they were, they were good shows. And I realized I had a knack for it basically, you know, I'd been doing engineering for years, but in that role, I actually acted more like an attorney in a lot of ways, a lot of persuasive writing and, and I knew copywriting from my digital marketing days. And I just found that. This was a great marriage of those skills to get on the shows, and I was pretty rough as an interviewer at first, but through repetition, I got better at that too. Quote #3 And it was just completely inbound. So I didn't have a brand, or a website. I'd never called myself a coach or anything, until 2021 people started reaching out to me and they started paying me for one on one coaching, just like come up with a 90 day marketing plan with podcast guesting as like the central part of it and I started doing that. And so I did that for about 20 individuals that transitioned into small groups. And now like the main thing I do is actually run a mastermind program, and I need a mastermind that uses podcast as the main marketing vehicle. But to your point, that's a great foundation, but it can be extremely time consuming if you're trying to do it all yourself. Dustin's Links: https://7figureleap.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/dustinriechmann/   Please subscribe James Youtube channel here! https://tinylink.net/XSGqL Featured song for this episode is "Ride On", check it out on Spotify here https://open.spotify.com/track/5VQzjlHv7qZzyZIOSGkhjU?si=eb0d5a683f2e43d8 For a custom-branded song you can reach James at james@thejamesoconnoragency.com If you wish to have an appointment with James about coaching, use this link. www.calendly.com/dharmic Apple podcast review link Please leave us a 5 Star review, its easy to do, and really helps us out to grow the show! https://digitalhealthtoday.com/support/how-to-review-itunes/ Thank you for doing this my friends!

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Chaplain James Kevin O'Connor, Music Row Recording Artist presents "Podcasting Your Global Career" featuring in-depth interviews with Authors, Speakers, Thought Leaders, and the best original Indie Music Artists from around the world. Also featuring original comedy sketches, and spiritual shows, all shows feature strong entertainment-based messaging and promote undiscovered talent, along with all original music created by James, and or his guests. The show was designed to lift, promote, and showcase talented professionals at the top of their game, along with the creative "music stars" of our future, all designed to entertain, educate and inform the listening podcast artistic community. All content is presented in an entertainment format, join the "The Master Story Teller" James Kevin O'Connor