Different People :: S02E02

What will it take to make our organizations inclusive? And how to launch change initiatives that go beyond a checklist of tactics that appear to institute change (hiring targets, unconscious bias training, pledges signed by CEOs), to instead invite people, particularly leaders, into the uncomfortable internal work of changing their beliefs, mindsets and behaviours? In this episode, Rehman and lisa delve into the biggest barrier to organizational culture change: the common and pervasive belief that what needs changing is outside of us. :: Post Production by jonathanle.net :: Music theme by blueimusic.com :: Learn more about us at differentpeople.ca :: Reach lisa and Rehman at podcast@differentpeople.ca

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The Different People podcast addresses diversity, equity & inclusion from a psychological perspective. It explores the often difficult and avoided topics we can be too anxious to discuss but are necessary to shift thinking, emotion and behaviour, when it comes to bias, marginalization and racism. Through honest and publicly unspoken conversations with guests, Dr. Abdulrehman addresses bridge-building and empathy necessary for personal, community, organizational change and better engagement with different people.