11. Solving Buzzfeeds creepy cases for Ancient Aliens

Are there cases for ancient aliens that an archeologist would not be able to explain? Buzzfeed Unsolved seems to think just that and did release a video presenting what they think is the best evidence for ancient aliens.Our host Fredrik is usually on a mission to discover what is genuine, fake, and somewhere in between on the TV-show Ancient Aliens. In this episode we will be guided by Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej into the world of unsolved mysteries. The cases that’s going to be presented in this episode are as follow:Wandjina paintings,Tassili N'ajjer,Lid of Pakal, Temple of Seti I,Greek funeral marker,Dendera Light,Dogon Tribe,Tiwanaku,Cheops pyramid.Remember to check out our facebook page for more history knowledge and other topics that come up.Visit our website for a full reference list and further reading suggestions!Sources, resources and further reading suggestionsTassili N’Ajjer (Algeria) | African World Heritage Sites. [online] Available at: https://www.africanworldheritagesites.org/cultural-places/rock-art-pre-history/tassili-najjer.html.The J. Paul Getty in Los Angeles. (n.d.). Grave Naiskos of an Enthroned Woman with an Attendant (Getty Museum). [online] Available at: https://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/7009/unknown-maker-grave-naiskos-of-an-enthroned-woman-with-an-attendant-east-greek-about-100-bc/.Pearse, R. (2017). The log book of Inspector Merer from Wadi al Jarf and the pyramid of Cheops / Khufu. [online] Roger Pearse. Available at: https://www.roger-pearse.com/weblog/2017/09/27/the-log-book-of-inspector-merer-from-wadi-al-jarf-and-the-pyramid-of-cheops-khufu/ TARIK BATU KUBUR. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrPmb3Fkhkc  [Accessed 21 Mar. 2022]. Andy White Anthropology. (n.d.). Normal-Sized People Can Move Big Rocks: A Quick Note on the Megalithic Traditions of Nias, Indonesia. [online] Available at: https://www.andywhiteanthropology.com/blog/normal-sized-people-can-move-big-rocks-a-quick-note-on-the-megalithic-traditions-of-nias-indonesia. Sagan, C. (1993). Broca’s brain : reflections on the romance of science. New York: Presidio Press.Billing, N. (2011). Egyptens pyramider : evighetens arkitektur i forntid och nutid. Stockholm: Carlsson.Waitkus, W. (2002). Die Geburt des Harsomtus aus der Blüte Zur Bedeutung und Funktion einiger Kultgegenstände des Tempels von Dendera. Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur, 30, pp.373–394. Bedaux, R.M.A., Blier, S.P., Bouju, J., Crawford, P.I., Douglas, M., Lane, P. and Meillassoux, C. (1991). Dogon Restudied: A Field Evaluation of the Work of Marcel Griaule [and Comments and Replies]. Current Anthropology, 32(2), pp.139–167.John Wayne Janusek and Ebrary, I. (2004). Identity and power in the ancient Andes : Tiwanaku cities through...

Om Podcasten

Come along with archaeologist Fredrik as he leads a critical exploration into alternative historical theories and the portrayal of Ancient Aliens in mainstream media on our podcast, Digging Up Ancient Aliens. With his guidance, you'll be able to distinguish fact from fiction and expand your knowledge alongside him. Whether you're a seasoned skeptic, a history enthusiast, or simply intrigued by extraterrestrial life, this podcast is a must-listen. For more info or to contact Fredrik, please visit https://diggingupancientaliens.com or search for "Digging up ancient aliens" on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, or that TikTok thing.