Aliens in the old west II - Mormons, blood, and monsters

Howdy partner, nice to see you there. Take place by the fire while we continue the mission to discover what is genuine, fake, and somewhere in between on the TV show Ancient Aliens. With a background in archeology, our host Fredrik is trying to see what really did happen in our past.Let's brush off the dirt and get back up in the saddle as we finish the second half of episode one from season three (S03E01) called "Aliens in the old west." We're going deep into America's early days and meeting its inhabitants that, according to some, tell strange tales of creatures not belonging there.Today we will cover the genesis of the Mormon church or "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." Are stories about angels and other beings evidence of an extraterrestrial influence on Joseph Smith? We look into the early days of church history and uncover a violent past with our scientific research. We unveil ties to the moundbuilder myth and a great dose of plastic shamanism. Later, we learn about Blackfoot mythology and read poetry from Walt Whitman. There's also the fate of Ambrose Bierce and a strange flying creature in both California and Arizona.As usual, you'll find a full transcript, sources, and resources on our website Our outro is written and performed by the band trallskruv; all other music in the show was used with permission.

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Come along with archaeologist Fredrik as he leads a critical exploration into alternative historical theories and the portrayal of Ancient Aliens in mainstream media on our podcast, Digging Up Ancient Aliens. With his guidance, you'll be able to distinguish fact from fiction and expand your knowledge alongside him. Whether you're a seasoned skeptic, a history enthusiast, or simply intrigued by extraterrestrial life, this podcast is a must-listen. For more info or to contact Fredrik, please visit or search for "Digging up ancient aliens" on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, or that TikTok thing.